Analyze and Query over your PDF using PrivacyDoc

Unearth PDF treasures effortlessly with PrivacyDoc: Your NLP-powered portal to unveil insights, harnessing AI and advanced search for unparalleled document analysis.

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BluetickPDF - Analyze and Query over your PDF and Ebooks

A quick guide to use PrivacyDoc


Logging in is effortless with PrivacyDoc. Say goodbye to account creation and password hassles. Simply log in using your Google account.

Upload your Files

Whether you have scientific papers, academic articles, books, manuals, or training materials, you can easily upload your PDF, ebooks, txt, csv, json files to PrivacyDoc. Just drag and drop your files.

Query Functionality

Submit your PDF queries to PrivacyDoc, and our advanced AI will promptly deliver accurate and comprehensive responses to meet your informational needs.

Enhanced Security

Rest assured that your files will not be stored anywhere. Furthermore, all your data will be deleted once you log out from the website.

Unlimited for all

PrivacyDoc - The cutting-edge PDF analyzing tool empowered by the latest advancements in generative AI technology. We are excited to announce that PrivacyDoc is now available to our users absolutely free of charge.

What you will get
  • Query: 1 PDF/E-Book - Maximum 10MB
  • Enhanced Security
  • PDF Analysis
  • Powerful Query Capabilities
  • Text Summaries
  • Data Extraction
  • Accessible and Free

Experience the power of PrivacyDoc with a free trial